Flower Essence Blog

Connecting Heart & Mind: the Inner Wisdom Combination

Compassion Rose

The Inner Wisdom Essence helps you connect more fully with your own inner wisdom. It helps to forge a link between your heart chakra, mind & soul, opening the doorways to the source of your innate inner wisdom and inner knowing.

Inner Wisdom – Connecting heart & mind

It’s really important that we learn to connect with our own inner wisdom for guidance and direction rather than seek it outside of ourselves

In today’s fast moving and ever changing world it is becoming increasingly important that we learn to connect with our own inner wisdom for guidance and direction rather than seek it outside of ourselves. So with this in mind we have decided to focus this month’s Essence Review on an combination to help with this issue, Inner Wisdom, connecting heart & mind.

Traditionally we have been taught that our knowledge comes from sources of information received from outside ourselves such schoolteachers, books and in more recent times, the television and internet. Over the years we have learned very efficiently how to process this information through the analytical mind. This worked well when we lived fully in third dimensional patterning but now as we leave it behind the habit of going only to the rational mind for answers no longer works.

Inner Wisdom Essences - 10ml & 25ml bottles

This is because the lower mind has no reference points amongst the information that it has gathered to help us understand where we are going next in our evolution. The knowledge and wisdom that we need to guide us now as we expand into higher dimensions of consciousness must come from the soul via the higher mind and the heart. Although we know this intuitively the old habit of consulting the lower mind can be very pervasive especially when the lower mind noisily insists that we stick to old patterns of behaviour so that we stay ‘safe’.

This can be both disconcerting and uncomfortable especially if we do not fully recognise what is happening.

The Inner Wisdom Essence

If any of this resonates with you then the Inner Wisdom combination might be just what you need to promote a change in perspective. It has been specifically formulated to help you redirect your awareness back to the heart and to the link between higher mind and heart that will give you access to your soul wisdom. As this link strengthens, the lower mind will become less noisy and insistent and begin to respond to the higher mind allowing the wisdom of the soul to become the guiding force in your life.

How to Use the Inner Wisdom Essence

An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.

Inner Wisdom Essences - 10ml & 25ml bottles

Shop – Inner Wisdom Essence

Essence Range: Divine Harmony Essences

Adult How to Use: Four drops on the tongue 3 – 4 x a day… Full How to Use

Essence Type: Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combination | Stock Level

Share Your Experiences…

We hope you’ve enjoyed our exploration of the Inner Wisdom Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!

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Catherine Keattch

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.

More About Catherine Keattch | All Blog Articles | All Videos

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