Flower Essence Blog

Cleansing your Chakras – New Beginnings


The beginning of a new year is traditionally a time when we reflect upon the personal changes that we would like to manifest in our lives over the coming twelve months.

Cleansing & Letting Go

Change of any kind requires a process of letting go of the old to make space for the new. So just as we might clear out our houses each spring to remove the clutter that we have accumulated over the previous twelve months, we must also recognise the need to clear and refresh our own energy fields. Holding on to old mental and emotional patterns within our energetic system means that there is literally no space for new ideas to take root. Thoughts and emotions are potent things and whether we are conscious of them or not our deepest and most tightly held beliefs will be the ones that create our reality, no matter how many resolutions to the contrary we might make.

So if you are finding it difficult to fully manifest your intentions for this New Year perhaps your energy system is overdue for a spring-clean!

Cleansing Your Chakra System

Chakra System

A good starting point is to look at how well your chakra system is functioning. Chakras are subtle energy points, literally wheels or vortexes of energy. They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points. We have several hundred of these energy exchange points within our energetic systems but the most well known ones are the seven which are etherically connected into the spinal column and head. When they are healthy and functioning properly the chakras act as gateways for vital life force energy from the subtle bodies to enter the physical body via the nadis and meridians, while at the same time providing an exit point for lower frequency energy to be released back into the subtle bodies for transmutation. The physical body is dependant upon this vital energy flow to maintain optimum wellbeing. Chakras can become blocked by long held negative states – rigid thought patterns, negative emotions, toxins etc. In addition to its other functions each of the seven main chakras represents a level of consciousness or developmental stage of life which must be mastered.

The Lower Three Chakras

Let’s begin our Energetic Spring Clean by looking at the all-important lower three chakras, the issues that relate to them and how to work with them.  The Base, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras are those that relate to our existence in the physical realm – our everyday life. Until these three chakras are functioning properly we cannot access our Soul gifts or connect fully with the higher aspects of ourselves. It is also difficult for us to open our hearts without some balance in these lower chakras. You will be able to identify the chakra that needs a ‘clean-up’ by reflecting on where your personality still finds it difficult to flow easily with the everyday issues of your life.

Base Chakra

Base Chakra

Located at the base of the spine this chakra, together with the earth star chakra and the feet chakras, anchor us into the material plane. It is connected to the Etheric Body in our subtle energy system and resonates with the element earth and the colour red. The lessons relating to this chakra concern physical survival, grounding and connection with the Earth and our body – our material existence in the physical plane. Difficulty with fears, particularly of survival, security, abundance or grounding issues all point to imbalances in this chakra as do problems in the lower physical body. Experiencing difficulty in fully manifesting your creative ideas or achieving your goals also indicates some work in the base chakra would be helpful… more on the Base Chakra

Some combinations to help with the issues of this chakra

A 25ml bottle of Base Chakra Combination will help you to open and balance this chakra and to clear away some of the stuck energy related to the old patterns.

When you have finished this look to see whether perhaps Inner Calm, Being Present or Feeling Safe from the Divine Harmony Essences is needed to follow on.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Located in the lower abdomen this chakra relates to our emotions and sexuality – how we connect with others. It is connected to the Emotional Body in our subtle energy system and resonates with the element of water and the colour orange. Difficulty with creativity, sexuality, anger, frustration and low self-image all relate to this chakra as do difficulties accepting change. This is the storehouse for our unresolved emotional baggage… more on the Sacral Chakra

Some combinations to help with the issues of this chakra;

A 25ml bottle of Sacral Chakra Combination will help you to open and balance this chakra and to clear away some of the stuck energy related to the old patterns.

When you have finished this look to see whether perhaps Creativity, Sexuality, Feeling Worthy , Inner Peace or Self Responsibility from the Divine Harmony Essence range is needed to follow on.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Located in the stomach area this chakra relates to self-definition, power issues and emotional expression. It is connected to the Mental Body in our subtle energy system and resonates with the element fire and the colour yellow. Difficulties defining our boundaries with others, over sensitivity, unbalanced emotions and lack of will power all relate to this chakra as does an overly active mind… more on the Solar Plexus Chakra

Some combinations to help with the issues of this chakra;

A 25ml bottle of Crystal Herbs Solar Plexus Chakra Combination will help you to open and balance this chakra and to clear away some of the stuck energy related to the old patterns.

When you have finished this look to see whether perhaps Emotional Balance, Inner Peace, Letting Go or Inner Strength from the Divine Harmony Essence rangeis needed to follow-on.

Daily meditation

Support this process with a short daily meditation on your chosen chakra. Focus on connecting with the chakra and the parts of the body that it relates to, while visualising that you are flooding the area with pure white light and releasing anything that you no longer need to hold on to. Facing up to old buried thoughts and emotions might feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but they will soon transform with a little loving acceptance, leaving you free to move on.

Crystal Herbs

Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us

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