E-Light Newsletter

Welcome to E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter - July 2021

Dear Friends,

Looking around our garden recently we simply had to acknowledge that over the last little while it had taken on more of the characteristics of a jungle than a neat and tidy garden. The quantity of rain that we have had this year has made everything grow hugely more than normal, from the trees right down to the smallest weed – everything is in abundance.

This is especially apparent in the ‘wildflower’ section of the garden where the poppies and foxgloves are now as tall as us and more prolific than we have ever seen. Rather beautiful in a disorganised sort of a way! Sunshine has still been in rather short supply in our area so we are really hoping that July will bring some sunshine for essence making.

In E-Light this Month: the Energies of July, Saturn, Uranus & Mars , Full Moon Intensity, the Influence of Cancer, Seeing the Bigger Picture, Essence Suggestions for July & our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


Bleeding Heart Flowers

The Energies of July

If your experience is anything like ours you are probably now recognising that July is turning out to be something of a roller coaster ride energetically. The cosmic line up for the month is providing us with some very dynamic, fast-moving energy that is bringing both intensity and challenge to the fore.

This is extremely helpful energy in many ways as it is driving change that is much needed, both within ourselves and in the world around us. However, it does not necessarily feel comfortable as we are emersed in the experience of it.

Saturn, Uranus & Mars

The intensity in the energy is created by the renewed activation of the square between Saturn and Uranus which is particularly being triggered this month by the close proximity of Mars.

The cosmic line up for the month is providing us with some very dynamic, fast-moving energy that is bringing both intensity and challenge to the fore.

Saturn tends to want to hold things as they are while Uranus brings the energies of revolutionary change and freedom. The presence of Mars in a T square to these two planets this month means that the conflict between control (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus) is being felt by all of us at quite a heightened level. Add to this some strong themes around the balanced use of power and you will probably be able to see why everything looks so chaotic in the world right now.

The influence of Mars means that many people are feeling the urgent need to take action to bring about changes that they see as important. Meanwhile those in positions of power and control are attempting to impose rules and restriction that appear to limit the greater freedom that is being demanded.

This is a conflict that will also play out within us at an individual level, so use the energy wisely to help you make changes that will take you to a new more expanded level of awareness rather than getting embroiled in power battles, either within yourself or with others.

Full Moon Intensity

We have a full moon in Aquarius on July 24th, exact at 3.36 am UK time. Just prior to this full moon there are some threads in the energy flow that could intensify power struggles and the expression of anger and frustration, particularly verbally.

Pluto is conjunct the full moon which will add another layer of emotional intensity to an already volatile energy flow in which issues of power and control could well become further magnified.

There is great opportunity in these energies that are focussed on helping us to release the past so that we can create something new for our future. Old structures have to crumble before we can rebuild in a new way.

Stay present with yourself over this period and allow what needs to change and release to do so with as much ease and grace as possible. Do your best to avoid getting caught up in power struggles that have nothing to do with where you want to go in your life.  There are currently many streams of reality playing out on our planet, make sure that you choose yours with discernment.

Cancer Symbol

The Influence of Cancer

All the other planetary activity this month is set against the backdrop of the inflowing energies from the constellation of Cancer, represented in western astrology by the sign of the crab.

The watery, intuitive, nurturing energies of Cancer bring an emphasis to those areas of life that relate to 'home' and 'family' and as always, their influence will be multi-layered. 

At an everyday level, we might find our attention taken to the home we live in and the family that we are connected to through birth, marriage etc. At another level, this energy could bring a particularly sharp focus to the obvious need for us to take greater responsibility for our planetary ‘home’ and for our collective human ‘family’.

In the Ancient Wisdom Teachings Cancer is considered to be the gateway through which souls originally entered into physical incarnation, so each year this energy also brings us the potentiality of ‘rebirth’ or a new starting point, something that is very much an ongoing theme for all of us right now.

Seeing the Bigger Picture

Negotiating our way through a planetary awakening and the constant process of change and transformation that this entails is exciting in so many ways but at an everyday level it can also feel as though we are being stretched beyond our comfort zones on a continual basis.

In the current energy flow this may be a feeling that is particularly to the fore for many of us this month. Constant change and uncertainty can also be wearying and in the midst of it all it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and purpose behind what is happening.

Team Transformation

Take time out this month to remember that you incarnated at this time because you had the wisdom and skills necessary to be able to help with this grand planetary transformation. Remember also that this is a team effort and that those of us in incarnation that are acting as ground crew have a vast army of helpers in spirit who are also part of team transformation and always ready and willing to assist.

Take a moment each day to invite in your own soul/spirit and council of light and to request their help to stay focussed and aligned with the bigger picture of events.

Balanced Neutrality

The energies of the moment are very much focussed on releasing old structures based in third dimensional polarity consciousness. It is important that we do our best to navigate life as consciously as we can recognising that these old structures have to disintegrate to allow space for new ones to take their place.

Part of our job as ground crew is to observe this process from a place of balanced neutrality and to maintain our vibrational frequency at a level that allows something new to be birthed to replace what is now redundant. Key to this is the ability to take a neutral stance when powerful polarities play out around us, something that could be particularly in evidence this month.

Cultivating a state of balance and neutrality is something that takes practice and that requires a focus in the heart. Your heart chakra is like the fulcrum point on a seesaw and will offer you a vantage point from which you can choose not to play in the energies of old polarities. Instead, you can consciously choose to hold a vibrational frequency that offers a pathway beyond the polarity, such as calmness, happiness, or graciousness.

Know Your Own Triggers

Two things are of particular importance if we are to be able to maintain a perspective that keeps us in touch with the bigger picture of what is happening on the planet. The first is the need to be very mindful of our own trigger points. We all have them and unless we are in ownership of them, they have the potential to pull us right back into a third dimensional polarity, especially in the volatile energy flow that we have this month.

Behind every trigger point there is an unresolved emotion with a ‘story’ attached to it. Simply taking a moment to acknowledge the emotion and recognise the story as not relevant in the current situation will generally help you to find neutral again.

The second is the need for us to be mindful that we did not come here to fit in to the structures that make up the third dimensional reality. Most likely you have spent a large part of your life wondering why you do not seem to fit in while at the same time trying your best to do so.

If you have not already, now is the time to recognise that you are part of Team Transformation and never intended to fit in. Give yourself permission to be comfortable operating outside of the 3D box, own any triggers that might pull you back in and use the transformational energies this month to help you stand more fully in your own truth and light.

Peace Rose Flower

Essence Suggestions for July

Staying in Touch with Team Transformation

As incarnated beings with a human body we act as the ‘ground crew’ aspect of the huge team that is currently assisting with the process of planetary evolution. Recognising this and consciously maintaining connection with our multidimensional self as well as team members who are not physically incarnate can be hugely supportive.

Good grounding, determination, the ability to stay in our own energetic space and a degree of inner stillness are all required to facilitate this connection.  

Choose Being Present; becoming grounded or Be Here Now to enhance your ability to stay present and grounded, Inner Strength; restoring inner resolve  when you feel the need for extra support to maintain inner resolve and determination, Solar Plexus Chakra to help you maintain your energetic integrity and Inner Focus; enhancing meditation to encourage greater inner stillness and connection.

You might also like to check out Energetic Alignment Spray, Angelic Gifts Spray, Soul Connection; enlightenment and Causal Body for extra support this month.

Balanced Neutrality

An open heart is key to our ability to maintain a state of balance and neutrality, especially when there is a lot of energetic intensity.

Choose either Unconditional Love, Heart Chakra, or Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind to help you stay centred in the consciousness of your heart. From that place of balance, we have the opportunity to broadcast vibrational frequencies that provide others with a pathway that will lead them beyond polarity if they choose to take it.

For assistance with this we suggest calling on some Angelic assistance in the form of our new Angel Essence Sprays. The Angel of Harmony, Angel of Tranquillity, Angel of Peace or Angel of Compassion would all be more than happy to assist you create a platform of positive vibrational frequencies. These are of course also available in dropper form should you prefer this version.

Should you find yourself struggling somewhat to stay centred in your own energy due to the emotional intensity of others around you this month then the Auric Protection Spray might be just what you need to help you detach and rebalance.

Know Your Triggers

Possibly one of the biggest triggers in this month’s energy flow is likely to be related to power issues. Anger, judgement, and the need to be right are still big triggers for many of us and given the potential for emotional intensity that is inherent in the energy flow we may well find ourselves challenged to work with our version of this huge collective pattern.

Check out Inner Peace; transforming anger, Inner Freedom; transforming judgement, and Male Essence; strengthening masculine, for support with any of these issues.

Lastly here are some reminders of essence combinations that can help to rebalance other common trigger points. Fear: Inner Calm; transforming fear, Resentment: Self-Responsibility; transforming resentment. Self-value; Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness. Guilt; Forgiveness; transforming guilt. Emotional pain: Letting Go; dissolving attachment, Emotional volatility: Emotional Balance; restoring emotional stability.


Special Offers

Special Offers for July

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20%.

Individual & Combination Essences

Perdita Rose Essence - 20% Discount

This essence works through the heart chakra to promote the qualities of purity and unconditional love. It is a helpful essence for anyone who experiences feelings of shame that do not allow them to see the radiance of their true being.

Perdita Rose Essence | Rose Collection Essences | from £4.48

Base Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

The Base Chakra Essence is all about working with fears and insecurities related to safety & survival as well as grounding. So old fears, difficulties with ‘grounding’, disorientation, disorganization, indecision, difficulty dealing with the pressures of life or fully manifesting creative ideas are all indications for this Essence. When the Base chakra is fully functioning there is a sense of being grounded, safe, secure, abundant and filled with vibrant well-being.

Base Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.88

Soul Connection Essence - 20% Discount

The Soul Connection combination helps you to expand your awareness and strengthen your connection to spirit. It reminds your physical and energetic structures how to absorb and use greater quantities of light and love - thus integrating spirit & matter, expanding consciousness and your soul connection.

Soul Connection Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.88

Flower of Life Essences - 10ml and 25ml bottles & 30ml spray bottle

Flower of Life Essence - 20% Discount

The ancient pattern of the Flower of Life is the original blueprint for creation in our universe and the reflection of your own Divinity is held within the energetic template of this pattern. Use the essence to release distortions in your own blueprint and connect you more fully with the inter-connectedness and sacredness of Life.

Flower of Life Essence | Platonic Solid & Sacred Geometry Essences | from £4.48

Malachite - 20% Discount

Malachite opens the heart chakra, balances the solar plexus chakra & aligns the etheric and emotional bodies. It dispels impurities from the energetic blueprint and helps refocus difficult emotional issues. It also helps to promote balanced personal power.

Malachite Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.52

Avocado Flower Essence - 20% Discount

Avocado flower essence strengthens the emotional body, dissolves emotional tension and opens the solar plexus chakra, bringing greater understanding to suppressed emotions. It is a useful essence to take if you have a very active mind but are not in touch with your feelings. It also helps with sexual expression and enhances telepathic abilities & intuition.

Avocado Flower Essence | Flower Essences | from £4.52

Water Lily - 20% Discount

The Water Lily Essence works with deep feelings of isolation and loneliness. It helps to clear and release unexplained feelings of grief and sadness, feelings that you do not belong here and deep old heart chakra blocks and barriers. Water Lily gently dissolves these old patterns & energies, bringing understanding and the ability to reach out to others once again.

Water Lily Essence | Karmic Essences | From £4.48

Harmony & Tranquillity Spray - 20% Discount

The Harmony & Tranquillity Essence spray can be used to help restore balance to unruly thoughts or turbulent emotions and to reconnect you with your own inner centre of harmony and tranquillity. It helps to calm the mind, balance your emotions and restore inner equilibrium.

Harmony & Tranquillity Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.92

Sets of Essences

Bach Set Self Select Set

Bach Flower Remedy Self Select Sets - 20% Discount

Our self select Bach Flower Remedy sets are an ideal starter or gift set. You can choose any 10 different Bach Flower Remedies for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each remedy is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy.

10ml Bach Self Select Set | 25ml Bach Self Select Set | Bach Flower Remedies | From £29.60


Flower Essence Collection Set

Flower Essence Collection Set - 20% Discount

This is a set of 20 powerful Flower Essences with the ability to work at many different levels. They can be used individually or mixed together to make your own combinations, making it a particularly useful set for practitioners. The set contains the following twenty Flower Essences: Bleeding Heart, Borage, Celandine, Daffodil, Daisy, Dandelion, Fig, Forget Me Not, Garlic, Hyssop, Lemon, Loosestrife, Lotus, Mallow, Passion Flower, Pomegranate, Squash, St Johns Wort, Sunflower, Yarrow.

Flower Essence Collection Set | Flower Essences | £74.00

All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers

Latest News & More...

Try Our New Essence Sprays!

New Essence Sprays - Angels & Archangels

We are now offering a spray version of our much loved Angel Essences and Archangel & Ascended Master Essences. These lovely essences can be used in the auric field, as a space clearing spray or taken internally. When Essences are used in the auric field they can have a very quick acting effect and can be very helpful when you feel in need of re-balancing or would like to atune yourself to a particular energy or frequency.

Angel Sprays | Archangel Sprays


Well, that is it from us for this month. We wish you all a wonderful month filled with Positivity & Joy and send you much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.

With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop

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Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.


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