E-Light Newsletter

Welcome to E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter - September 2021

Dear Friends,

Unbelievably the arrival of September signals that we are moving into the third quarter of the year and that autumn is only just around the corner – again! In our part of the UK summer has been the most illusive that we can remember for a long time. August has provided us with zero warm sunny weather, so we are really feeling in need of some ‘top up’ sunshine over the next few weeks, not just for our personal wellbeing but also for the health of our mother tincture stocks. Here’s hoping that September will provide!

In E-Light this Month: the Energies of September, New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Pisces, September Equinox, The Influence of Virgo, Staying Conscious, Essence Suggestions for September & our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


Centaury Flowers

The Energies of September

Since the beginning of this year the learning curve on how to negotiate intense energy flows and the changes that these stimulate has been quite a steep one for many of us. Each month that passed seemed to take us to new heights, so it is encouraging to look back and recognise that we have all dealt with what was presented to us and still managed to keep moving forward.

The first part of September should feel a little calmer energetically than over recent weeks, however as we move into the latter part of the month, we are likely to feel the energetic intensity beginning to build again, particularly as we head into October.

New Moon in Virgo

We have a new moon in Virgo on September 7th at 01.51 UK time. There will be a total of five planets in Earth signs at the time of this new moon which will offer us a much needed few days of stability and calmness that we can use to bring ourselves into greater balance and harmony.

This will be an excellent time to focus on clearing the clutter from any level of your life whether practical or energetic. The beginning of a moon cycle always brings new opportunities so do take time out to listen within, gather clarity and anchor any new intentions that seem particularly important for you.

The energy flow in the second half of the month is more volatile and may well highlight the now familiar polarity of control versus freedom. This could manifest at a collective level as angry demonstrations and protests about restriction and injustice and at a more personal level as a compelling need to make change so that we can be free to follow the flow of our own truth.

Full Moon in Pisces

The Moon is full on September 21st, exact at 00.54 UK time. Neptune is very close to the Moon at this time which will provide an interesting filter for the energies of this full Moon.

Neptune brings spiritual opportunities from a higher perspective but at a more practical 3D level can also bring confusion and illusion to the fore. Be particularly on the lookout for misinformation/disinformation circulating around this time and be sure to tune in to your own intuition to align with what is true for you.

Full moons generally bring illumination to anything that has been hidden or kept secret so this could be a powerful time to get greater clarity on things we have hidden from ourselves as well as outer world revelations.

September Equinox

The autumn/spring equinox occurs on September 22nd at 19.21 closely followed by the Sun moving into Libra at 20.20 UK time. Feelings could run uncomfortably high around this time particularly between those who want to see more freedom and equality and those who want to hold onto control and authority. The best assistance we can offer in this situation is to engage a higher perspective and broadcast vibrations of balance and calm to help things find a positive resolution.

Both the full moon and the equinox will be powerful gateways that will facilitate the download of more high frequency light and love onto the planet. This is consciousness raising energy and will assist us hugely with our process of evolutionary transformation. It needs to be anchored and integrated so do take time out to receive and appreciate. Offer up anything that needs release to be upgraded in the flow of light so that you can move on without looking back.

Virgo Symbol

The Influence of Virgo

All the other planetary activities this month are set against the backdrop of inflowing energies from the constellation of Virgo.

Aligning with the highest potential of the feminine, earthy, nurturing qualities of Virgo energy will take us deep into the realm of the feminine goddess, the Mother principle and the gestation of new life. In the magnified flow of Virgo energies, we are reminded of the inherent unity between spirit and matter and the need to nurture and grow the light of our own divinity within the physical form that we are currently inhabiting.

At a practical level, Virgo energies stimulate the desire to be of service, so we can also expect its influence to reveal any aspects of our lives that need adjustment so that we can align more fully with our true purpose. This is in perfect alignment with the direction of transformational change that is taking place so allow this supportive, creative feminine energy to help you flow into new alignments within yourself.

Waking up, staying conscious and keeping our focus on the bigger picture is a big part of what we incarnated to do at this time, so how can we best achieve this?

Staying Conscious

Even though we might be fully aware and awake to the significance of the huge transformational shift that is currently taking place on Earth it can still be easy for us to lose focus on the bigger picture if we are not mindful. This can be especially challenging when in the midst of high intensity energies such as those that we have experienced over the last few months. However, waking up, staying conscious and keeping our focus on the bigger picture is a big part of what we incarnated to do at this time, so how can we best achieve this?

Stay Grounded & Connected

The more awake and conscious you become the more important it is to make sure that you maintain your energetic grounding and connection with the Earth. Check in each day to make sure that your grounding chord is connected to your base chakra and anchored into your earth star chakra below your feet. See/intend that your earth star chakra is connected into the core of Mother Earth. Think of the root system of a huge tree that has as many roots below ground as branches above ground.

Take a few moments every now and then in your day, to exchange love and light with the Earth through your root system. Then take another few moments to energise your connection with your soul/spirit, allowing its light and love to flow through you and down into the Earth and back to your heart. Do your best to focus on maintaining balance and calmness no matter what is going on around you.

Pay Attention to your Frequency

Stay mindful of the vibrational frequencies that you entertain in your energy field as these will either contribute to raising your frequency or lowering it. Pay attention to the quality of the thoughts that you think, the feelings that you experience and the words that you speak. Choose those that vibrate at frequencies that allow you to maintain perspective on the bigger picture and your place within it rather than pulling you away from it.

Creating a positive energetic platform from which to negotiate life is one of the most important things that we can do for ourselves right now. You could think of this as your own personal bubble of light, love and consciousness over which you have complete autonomy.

Maintaining this takes practice at first because we have been conditioned to believe that everything comes to us from outside of ourselves rather than the truth that we are creators of our own reality. However, once you have your bubble of light, love and consciousness firmly established you will have an energetic foundation that will keep you conscious and awake, as well as providing a beacon of light that will assist those around you to find their own centre as the storms of transformational change continue to whirl around us.

Recognise Your Triggers

As high frequency light and love continue to pour onto the Earth to assist us in raising our consciousness it is illuminating everything that is not in alignment with the consciousness that we are moving towards.

We can see examples of this being graphically displayed for us on the world stage everywhere and anywhere we look right now. As we are all aware this is also happening inside of ourselves, and this is the place that we need to pay attention to. If you find that you have temporarily lost your centre look inside to see what old ‘story’ has been triggered off for you. Once you recognise it, and we all have our favourites, disconnect from whatever the trigger was and step back from it energetically.

Look carefully at what emotional glue is holding this particular story together. Allow the emotion or emotions space to reveal themselves so that they can flow and dissipate. Each time you do this the story will have less substance and will eventually wither away because it is not being ‘fed’ and your bubble of light, love and consciousness will grow in stability.

Nurture Yourself

From the perspective of the physical body that you inhabit for this incarnation, change and transformation of the kind that we are currently going through is hard work. It takes physical resources to integrate quantities of high frequency love and light and to accommodate the changes that these instigate. It can be easy to forget this in the hurly burley of everyday life, so do remember to give yourself plenty of time to rest, relax and above all to have some fun this month.

Peace Rose Flower

Essence Suggestions for September

This month we are exploring the theme of ‘staying conscious’ amidst the turbulence and chaos of change. Vibrational essences are wonderful tools to support us with all aspects of this process. Their ability to raise consciousness, dissolve old emotional patterns and transform thought forms that we no longer choose to have in our version of reality makes them ideal companions for this journey. We have focussed our essence suggestions on the themes identified in this month’s newsletter.

Stay Grounded & Connected

We have many wonderful essences to help you consolidate your grounding and connection with the Earth. If you find yourself feeling very ungrounded and disconnected from your physical body, then either a Base Chakra or a Being Present; becoming grounded combination would be your best starting point.  For support to connect more fully with your earth star chakra choose Earth Star.  Both the Earth Connection Spray; strong foundations and the Energetic Alignment Spray; soul connection will quickly help to realign your grounding and connection in a situation where you feel a bit battered and disconnected by unexpected events. Valerian from the Karmic Essences might also be helpful for some.

Pay Attention to your Frequency

Creating a positive energetic platform from which to negotiate life is one of the most important things that we can do for ourselves right now. Our ‘go to’ support when we feel in need of some quick help with this is the Positive Vibrations Spray; cleansing negativity. This is a wonderful resource to help dissolve low frequency vibrations either from our own energy field or from the environment around us.

For more specific help to maintain your bubble of light, love & consciousness we suggest calling on the help of the experts in the field; the Angels. Check out our set of twenty Angel Essences each helping to anchor a specific divine quality and/or frequency. Here are a few suggestions for Angels that it might be particularly helpful to invite to play with you; Angel of Love, Angel of Peace, Angel of Compassion and Angel of Joy.

You might also like to check out our Flower of Life Spray for assistance with anchoring more of your original divine blueprint into your bubble of light, love & consciousness.

Recognise Your Triggers

Being triggered is usually not a comfortable experience but if we are mindful, it can lead us to an old story that we just need to recognise no longer resonates with who we are now. Once you have identified the emotional glue that is holding your particular story together choose an essence that will help you to dissolve it so that you can move on.

Here are a few reminders of essences that will help with some of the most common emotional glue; Inner Calm; transforming fear, Inner Peace; transforming anger, Forgiveness; transforming guilt, Inner Joy; transforming despair, Inner Freedom; transforming judgement, Inner Certainty; transforming doubt, Feeling Worthy; dissolving unworthiness, Self-Responsibility, transforming resentment, Letting Go; dissolving attachment.

Special Offers

Special Offers for September

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20%.

Individual & Combination Essences

Seraphinite Essence - 20% Discount

Seraphinite focusses the vibration of unconditional love and it helps you uncover your true purpose and potential and expands spiritual connection and enhances communication. It also helps to dissolve negative mis-perceptions and ‘self-talk’.

Seraphinite Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | from £4.52

Merlinite - 20% Discount

Merlinite is a powerful Essence for the auric field. It helps to clear and cleanse any negative energy that has become stuck in the auric field and loosens and brings forward old buried negative patterns for recognition and release. It is also very efficient at helping to anchor new light into your field as the old is released.

Merlinite Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.52

Inner Peace Essence - 20% Discount

This is a powerful combination to help you to release feelings of anger or rage. It's also helpful if you find it difficult to deal with anger in other people, find your own anger difficult to deal with, or have a tendency to draw angry people into your life. It can also be helpful when there is difficulty connecting with any emotions at all.

Inner Peace Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.88

Sacral Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

This Essence combination is all about creativity, emotions and sexuality. It's really helpful if you find it difficult to express or get in touch with your emotional needs, or you experience out of balance emotions, relationship difficulties, low self-image, anger, frustration, impatience, blocked sexuality or creativity.

Sacral Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.88

Earth Star Essence - two bottles of Earth Star essence

Emotional Body Essence - 20% Discount

This is a powerful Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence combination helping to promote a fast clearance of buried emotions and old emotional patterns. It helps to clear old energy stuck in your emotional body and releases old emotions and emotional energies, especially where there is a fear of facing your thoughts and feelings.

Emotional Body Essence | Rainbow Light Body Essences | from £7.76

Mugwort - Flower Essence - 20% Discount

Mugwort flower essence stimulates spiritual communication and understandings, psychic gifts, multi-dimensional consciousness, dream recall and telepathy. Mugwort integrates your spiritual and emotional bodies so you can receive intuitive guidance and inspiration. This makes it a useful essence to use in meditation, dreamwork, Shamanic journeying, receiving messages from nature, and any visionary or psychic activities.

Mugwort Flower Essence | Flower Essences | From £4.52

Bleeding Heart Essence - 20% Discount

The Bleeding Heart essence promotes feelings of inner harmony and peace. It does this through its ability to bring a higher understanding to any issue relating to the heart chakra. It is a particularly helpful essence if you feel an unhealthy emotional attachment to another person or situation or where there is buried emotional pain from a previous experience of loss.

Bleeding Heart Essence | Single Flower Essences | from £4.52

Environmental Stress Spray - 20% Discount

Environmental pollution now comes in many forms, much of it energetic and unseen. Sensitivity to it is unfortunately becoming a major and increasing issue for many people because of the strain that it puts on both the subtle energy system and etheric blueprint. The Environmental Stress spray is an excellent combination to help limit the effects of this sensitivity as well as stimulating a release of accumulated impurities of all kinds from the energetic blueprint.

Environmental Stress Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.92


Sets of Essences

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set - 20% Discount

The twelve Rainbow Light Body Essences are very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools designed to assist in the development of your Light Body or Mer Ka Ba. This set contains all twelve combinations ( Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Earth Star, Soul Star, Hara Activation, Thymus Energy Point, Integration, Crystalline Ray, I Am Presence, Mer-Ka-Ba in an attractive card presentation box.

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set | Rainbow Light Body Essences | £82.40


Chakra Essence Set

Chakra Essence Set - 20% Discount

A complete set of Chakra Essences makes a wonderful and deep acting toolkit to help you to work with your seven main chakras and three important minor chakra points. The ten Essences in this set are designed to help you to open and balance a specific chakra and to help you to release and work with the thoughts, emotions & energies related to that chakra.

Chakra Essence Set | Chakra Essences | From £42.80

All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers

Latest News & More...

Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others

Nettle Flowers with a green background

New! We've added a new page to our Essences & Themes Explorer for 'Relationships, Intimacy & Relating to Others'. Here you can find a full list of all of the Essences that we offer that work with these issues, from combinations, to single flower & crystal essences. If it is an issue that you are working with or have clients that are working with, this makes a great resource of helpful essences.

Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others

Creating Safe Boundaries: Auric Protection Spray

Yarrow Flowers with a grassy background

Our latest Essence Review is for the Auric Protection spray. This is an excellent combination to strengthen your auric field, which makes it a very helpful Essence if you are over-sensitive to the thoughts, emotions or energies of others or have weak energetic boundaries. You can find out more here....

Auric Protection Spray Essence Review

Well that it from us for this month. We wish you all a wonderful month filled with love, light & consciousness and send you much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.

With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop

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Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.


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