E-Light Newsletter

Welcome to E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter - November 2020

Dear Friends,

The incredibly wet weather that we have had over the last few weeks has meant that our garden and the countryside around us has made a relatively slow transition from late summer into the depths of autumn this year.

There are still many lovely autumn flowers and a few beautiful roses blooming happily in our garden, alongside the weeds that it has been impossible to tame, due to the exceptionally muddy conditions that too much water on clay soil generates!

However, today the sun is shining again and the trees around us are beautiful in their vibrant autumn colours. A comforting, uplifting vision of normality in rather weird times. Enjoy!

In E-Light this Month: the Energies of November, More Transformation, 11-11 Gateway, Mars Direct & New Moon, The Influence of Scorpio, Staying Awake & Aware, Essence Suggestions for November & our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


Vervain Flower

The Energies of November

The full moon on October 31st brought the intensity of the energies last month to a head and neatly ushered us into November where the drama and energetic intensity look set to continue for at least another couple of weeks.

Negotiating high energy intensity can certainly bring its challenges but this particular energy flow is also replete with purpose and opportunity. The universe really does have our backs and is providing everything that we need to move gracefully through this period of change and transformation.

We just need to go with the flow and stay awake, aware and on purpose as best we can.

More Transformation

The astrology of 2020 has been both unusual and exciting, a situation created in part by the on/off conjunction of the two heavy weight planets, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn.

November 12/13th will see the third and final meeting of these two highly influential planets before Jupiter moves into Aquarius later in the year. Essentially this meeting will turn up the heat under the process of personal and planetary transformation once again.

Just allow anything that presents itself for change and upgrade in your life to be released and transformed with as much ease and grace as you can. New doors are opening on all levels but before we can take full advantage of the opportunities these present, we must position ourselves in the appropriate vibrational flow by closing the doors on the old.

11 - 11 Gateway

The energies incoming through the 11-11 gateway will as always, contain positive high frequency light codes that will stimulate soul alignment and greater connection with our divine self. Take advantage of these energies to help expand your perspective and remind you why you chose to be here at this time on planet earth.

Mars Direct & The New Moon

Mars has been in retrograde motion in Aries since September 9th and will be stationing direct on November 13th creating a welcome change in the energetics. The combination of Mars and Aries would normally create a very action orientated energy flow, however with Mars retrograde this forward flow is restricted, leading to a feeling of going round in circles, which in turn fuels an underlying sense of frustration and impatience.

This change should feel liberating and allow any projects and ideas that have not been able to manifest fully to finally move forward. The super new moon in Scorpio on November 15th will provide exactly the right environment to support this change, so do take time out to connect and nurture the seeds of what you want to experience going forward.

Scorpio Symbol

The Influence of Scorpio

The sun moved into the constellation of Scorpio on October 22nd providing us with the perfect energetic backdrop to all the other planetary activity this month.

When the sun magnifies the watery feminine energies of Scorpio, the energetic focus is always one of deep inner transformation. Scorpio energy is warrior energy, and it will unequivocally take us deep into the subterranean world of our subconscious, emotional nature to confront anything that is holding us back.

There is a ‘death and rebirth’ flavour to these energies that can feel both intense and challenging if we are tempted to resist the proffered invitation to make any changes that might be necessary. This is deeply purifying, transformational energy so use it to the full this month to help you continue to stand tall as your true self.

Staying Awake & Aware

With the energies this month presenting further opportunities for even deeper transformational change it is particularly important that we each remember to stay Awake and Aware to avoid being hypnotised back into the rabbit hole of illusion and unconsciousness.

The energetic focus of this entire, very strange year has been on helping us to create changes in all those areas of life that require an upgrade in order for us to continue to expand in consciousness. In so many ways the ‘normality’ of our lives has been disrupted, and for some turned upside down in variously difficult, challenging ways.

Right now, the chaos of the outer world appears to be getting noisier and more insistent as everything that is not flexible enough to expand into the new energies becomes more obvious to allow us to make new choices. With the energies this month presenting further opportunities for even deeper transformational change it is particularly important that we each remember to stay Awake and Aware to avoid being hypnotised back into the rabbit hole of illusion and unconsciousness. From this old place we effectively lose our ability to contribute meaningfully to any of the new possibilities opening up for us as a collective.

One of the best ways that we can ensure that we stay Awake and Aware is to consistently energise and maintain the connection that we have with our inner self, regardless of what might be going on around us in our immediate environment or in the world in general.

Simply taking a moment to breathe deeply, relax and open your heart to yourself every now and then during your day will help you achieve this. Recognise that ‘stuff’ will come up so when it does just go with the flow and allow the energies to show you what needs transformation. Stay conscious with the experience by being willing to own whatever it is and then allow it to flow and release through the heart. Stay Present, Awake & Aware: remember all is well.

If you should find yourself in need of support with this process remember the power that vibrational essences have to help you untangle any difficult knots of illusion that still appear to be ‘real’.Essence Suggestions

Essence Suggestions for November

So, with our theme of staying Awake & Aware in mind let’s take a look at some essence combinations that might be particularly helpful over the next few weeks.

The Legacy of Fear

There are threads in the energy flow this month that could tend to magnify any fears that we might still have stored away in our unconscious.

Fear is also an energy that is very present in the collective consciousness of humanity at the moment and one that is probably one of the most effective when it comes to disturbing our ability to stay Awake and Aware. Unrecognised fear can make us feel small, vulnerable and limited, as well as restricting our ability to recognise when we are being controlled. In this energy we tend to search outside of ourselves for answers, often overriding our own sense of inner knowing in the process.

Since we all have fears of one kind or another it is important that we learn to recognise when these have been activated and then allow them space to release and transform.

Here are some suggestions for essences that can support you with this process; Inner Calm; transforming fear, Feeling Safe; trusting life, Courage, Strength & Courage Spray; overcoming fear and Pink Rose (Karmic Essences).

Other common vibrations closely connected with fear, that will quickly close off our ability to stay Awake and Aware are judgement, guilt, doubt and resentment. Check out one of the following essence combinations for support with any of these states; Inner Freedom; transforming judgement, Forgiveness; transforming guilt, Inner Certainty;transforming doubt; and Self Responsibility; transforming resentment.

Personal Energy Space

If we are to stay Awake and Aware, it is essential that we maintain the integrity of our personal energy space. Give yourself time each morning to check in with yourself to make sure that you are grounded into the Earth and that all of your energy is centred within your bubble of light. If necessary, gently release any energies that are not yours and collect up any part of yourself that you have left with another person or situation.

For support with grounding issues, check out Feet Chakras, Base Chakra, Being Present; becoming grounded, Earth Connection Spray and Earth Star.

Issues with staying centred in your own energy always point to the solar plexus chakra as a starting place. This centre is undergoing a lot of change as we grow and expand in consciousness, so it would not be surprising to find it needing a little extra support from time to time. Check out our Solar Plexus Chakra combination for help with this.

If you struggle with feelings of over-sensitivity or get easily overwhelmed by others strong emotions then an Auric Protection Spray; safe boundaries, might be just what you need to help you maintain your personal energy space.

Living from the Heart

Learning to view life from the perspective of the heart is fundamental to our ability to stay Awake and Aware. No matter how difficult or challenging the situation you are facing appears to be, viewing it from a heart perspective is more likely to provide you with a viable pathway forward. Your soul speaks to you in the stillness of your heart, so the more you are able to live from this space, the clearer the messages will be.

We have many beautiful essences that help energise this heart connection so here are a few for you to check out; Heart Chakra, Awakening the Heart, Unconditional Love, Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind & Heart Connection Spray; living in love.

Special Offers

Special Offers for November

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20%.

Individual & Combination Essences

Merlinite - 20% Discount

Merlinite is a powerful Essence for the auric field. It helps to clear and cleanse any negative energy that has become stuck in the auric field and loosens and brings forward old buried negative patterns for recognition and release. It is also very efficient at helping to anchor new light into your field as the old is released.

Merlinite Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.40

Brow Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

This is a powerful and very useful combination for working with issues around inner knowing or intuition and a lack of faith in yourself or the universe. Also helpful if you find that you have an overly mental approach to life, an inability to focus your thoughts or a feeling of being stuck in the small details of life. Good also for feelings of ‘I don’t know’.

Brow Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.76

Inner Strength Essence

Inner Strength Essence - 20% Discount

The Inner Strength Essence is a really good combination for helping you to strengthen and promote the qualities of inner resolve, strength, courage & determination. It helps to encourage a balanced use of personal & spiritual will and is very useful for when you need help with issues around will power and the determination to stand in your own power.

Inner Strength Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.76

Cosmos Flower Essence - 20% Discount

Cosmos links the heart chakra and the throat chakra, enhancing self-expression and promoting the release of emotional difficulties. It is a really helpful Essence if you are shy, introverted or find that you procrastinate a lot.

Cosmos Flower Essence | Single Flower Essences | From £4.40

Loving Communications Essence - 20% Discount

This Essence is all about honest, loving self-expression, so its a really useful Essence if you find it difficult to express your true feelings in an open-hearted way, especially in close relationships. It helps to clear blockages in the the Throat Chakra and promote a greater ability to be free to be yourself.

Loving Communications Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.76

Innocence - Inner Child Essences - 20% Discount

This lovely essence works powerfully with any feelings of shame about your body, natural bodily functions or sexuality and any subconscious patterns of guilt and uncleanliness. These patterns not only hinder the development of truly loving and balanced sexual relationships with future partners but will also lead to a damaging lack of self-love. The Innocence essence helps release these issues, promoting a return to the purity and innocence of our true Divine nature.

Innocence | Inner Child Essences | £7.72

Earth Connection - 20% Discount

The Earth Connection spray is an excellent combination to quickly help you to re-align and re-balance when you are feeling ungrounded or disconnected from your body. It will help to pull you firmly back into your body and to ground and connect you with the Earth as well as stabilise your energetic foundations, re-connecting you with the present moment.

Earth Connection Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.68

Valerian Flower Essence - 20% Discount

Valerian is a wonderful Essence for grounding. So if you feel a deep dis-connection from your physical body, often feel ungrounded or spaced out, have an inability to function fully in the world or a recurring feeling of not wanting to fully be here in the now, this would be a very helpful Essence.

Valerian Flower Essence | Karmic Essences | From £4.32

Sets of Essences

Chakra Essence Set

Chakra Essence Set - 20% Discount

A complete set of Chakra Essences makes a wonderful and deep acting toolkit to help you to work with your seven main chakras and three important minor chakra points. The ten Essences in this set are designed to help you to open and balance a specific chakra and to help you to release and work with the thoughts, emotions & energies related to that chakra.

Chakra Essence Set | Chakra Essences | From £41.60

Integrating Spirit Set

Integrating Spirit Set - Divine Harmony Essences - 20% Discount

A set of ten powerful Essence combinations designed to help strengthen the personality / soul connection and to facilitate a greater degree of divine harmony. The set contains the following Divine Harmony Essence combinations: Female Essence, Healing Family, Inner Focus, Inner Unity, Inner Wisdom, Loving Communication, Male Essence, New Horizons, Self Acceptance and Soul Connection.

Integrating Spirit Set | Divine Harmony Essences | from £41.60

All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers

Latest News & More...

Update on the Covid-19 U.K. November Lockdown

Crystal Herbs Update

We're Open Online & Sending Out Your Orders - as the U.K. goes into a ( hopefully short! ) second national lockdown, we'd like to reassure you that we are very much still open and sending out your orders. We are also still here to offer essence help and support by phone and email and we are continuing to hold a steady vision of love, support, ease and wellness for everyone and the Earth at this time of transformation.

More: Covid-19 U.K. November Lockdown

Exploring Green Calcite Essence

Green Calcite crystal close up showing colour and striations

Our latest Essence Review is for the Green Calcite crystal essence. This powerful essence helps to open new energy pathways in the body so that you can connect with and anchor more of your soul energy into your everyday awareness.

Exploring Green Calcite Essence

Disarming the Fear of Love - by Sharon Curran

Disarming the Fear of Love

It’s a funny thing love, some of us will think about it in the context of relationships. The new age world will talk about it in terms of self-love and raising your vibration. In its purest form, it brings with it a feeling of oneness. A feeling that makes all the wrongs right. It’s what we all strive to feel more of and yet, if love is the answer, why do so many of us fear it?

Disarming the Fear of Love

From E-Light last month, you may have missed:

We missed E-Light last month, but from September you can find: The Energies of September, Full Moon in Pisces, Driving Change, the Energies of Virgo, What Do You Choose, Essence Suggestions for September & our latest Special Offers and News. - you can read in full here.


Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of positive transformation and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.

With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop

You can also find us on:- Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.


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