E-Light - The Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Welcome to April's edition of E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Today we are enjoying a beautiful sunny day here in Norfolk, the first for what feels like far too long. Our garden and the countryside around us is literally coming to life in front of our eyes as everything that has been waiting for that magical ingredient, sunshine, takes full advantage of the opportunity to burst into new life.

Spring is not the only thing that has been on hold waiting for the sun, both mother tincture making, and gardening are in the queue for urgent attention as the weather improves. Here’s hoping that April will bring us the opportunities that we need for these!

In E-Light this Month: the Energies of April, the Influence of Aries, April Jobs; Weed Your Thought Patch and our Essence Suggestions for April. Our Special Offers include the Inner Wisdom and Feet Chakra Essences, Pearl Essence and a range of other Essences & sets, all at 20% Discount. You can also find all of our latest Articles & News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


Impatiens Flower

The Energies of April

April promises to be a month in which both potential and opportunity are on offer in abundance.

There is a pushy, relentless aspect to the energy flow that will be very productive if we can simply flow with it and avoid getting stuck in anything we might view as challenging.

However, it might help to be aware that the cosmos does have some quite heavy duty planetary alignments in store for us this month and that some of these may well push our buttons in uncomfortable ways. The opportunity in this is clearly much needed freedom from the restriction of old habits, patterns and beliefs. The challenge is to be detached enough to recognise when an old issue pops up in a new guise or perhaps old family issues or relationship wounds reveal themselves as still needing resolution so that you can move on in a new way.

Alongside April’s planetary line up of movers and shakers, the profoundly powerful energies that began to flow into the planet around the March equinox will continue, lovingly but insistently, to push everything that is out of alignment with our true self to the surface of our awareness for transformation.

We are also still under the influence of retrograde Mercury until it turns direct again on April 15th. We then have a new moon in Aries on April 15/16th – depending upon time zone – so the second half of April will be a particularly good time to action new ideas and plans for the future, especially those that we might previously have put on the back burner as too challenging to contemplate. 

Aries Symbol

The Influence of Aries

During April the sun shines onto the earth through the constellation of Aries, creating a magnification of the qualities and ray energies associated with this constellation, which is represented in western astrology by the glyph of the Ram.

As the first sign in the zodiac Aries marks the beginning of a new astrological year and brings with it a potent opportunity for new beginnings. Its fiery, initiating energy seeks to promote regeneration and renewal in all areas of life, both spiritually and physically.

Aries energy is highly creative, mental energy that brings with it a flow of inspiration and new ideas from the collective higher mind. This year the theme of new beginnings will be a particularly potent one as everything in the energy flow is urging us to use the energies of renewal and regeneration to expand and evolve our consciousness so that we can move further up the spiral of evolution.

April Jobs - Weed Your Thought Patch

With so much focus on moving forward this month, it is highly likely that we could find ourselves being requested to review anything old that is constricting our consciousness.

This month will provide a very fertile opportunity to weed your ‘thought patch’ to make sure that it contains the thoughts that you want to nurture and grow over the coming months.

The creative, inspirational energy flow that we are currently experiencing will do its best to bring new concepts and expanded ideas into our awareness. However, if we are to use what we are being offered to full advantage, we might first need to clear out some old concepts and ideas to make room for new ones.

If we are not paying attention it can be all too easy to find ourselves aligning with the outdated concepts, beliefs and human collective agreements about how life works that are deeply buried in the library of our unconscious memory bank. For the most part the concepts and beliefs stored in this library are based in a 3/4th dimensional consciousness and many need adjustment, expansion or replacement if we are to fully embrace 5th dimensional consciousness. 

Take a little time this month to pay attention to your thought process. Notice the thought strings that your everyday mind can create. Often these strings will take you off down a series of tracks that hop from one thought to the next before you notice and wonder just exactly how you got there. The great majority of these thoughts are running on old loops and do not contain anything that we really want to create in our lives.

There are many different pathways opening up in our reality right now, so we need to be very purposeful and focussed to make sure that we are going down a path that we have chosen consciously.

This month will provide a very fertile opportunity to weed your ‘thought patch’ to make sure that it contains the thoughts that you want to nurture and grow over the coming months. Weed out those old thought forms that tend to take you down old pathways into less than constructive environments. Check out the concepts that you have unconsciously agreed to as part of your human experiences and family inheritance.

Don’t be tempted to judge anything that you find no longer fits with who you are, just pull it up by the roots, bless it, consign it to the compost bin for old thought forms and then leave it to be recycled.

Essence Suggestions

Essence Suggestions for April

The energies this month are very keen to help us rearrange our belief structures and weed out redundant concepts and ideas so that our consciousness can continue to expand.

So, with this in mind let’s start by looking at some essences to help dissolve any low frequency, unhelpful thought forms that might turn up in your awareness. Top of the list here is the Mental Body Essence from the Rainbow Lightbody Essence range. This is a very helpful essence for anyone who finds themselves easily caught up in unhelpful and persistent low frequency thought forms. Also great for anyone who needs support to establish a more consistent flow of inspiration, guidance and creative ideas from the higher mind.

Confusion is a form of ‘mental static’ that can sometimes descend on us when we are making changes at a deep level within ourselves. It is an uncomfortable state that can make it temporarily difficult for us to see the unhelpful thought forms that are contributing to the problem. Choose either the Clarity; releasing confusion combination or Clarity & Perspective Spray; releasing confusion to help you see the situation more clearly.

In 3/4th dimensional consciousness the everyday mind has a focus on keeping us safe and it will continue to do this by referencing the past and trying to alert us of what might happen in the future, if it is not interrupted. There are many old thought forms associated with this level of conscious that will not fit into unity based 5th dimensional consciousness.

The common denominator that hold all of them in place is the vibration of fear and the subtle sense of general unsafeness that this creates at an unconscious level. These uncomfortable feelings are now becoming more obvious and persistent as they come into our awareness for transformation. If this is your experience this month check out; Inner Calm; transforming fear, Feeling Safe; trusting life, Base Chakra & Strength & Courage Spray; overcoming fear, to see which combination would most help you.

Once you have made a space in your thought patch for something new then it is time to fill it with new inspiration and expanded ideas from the higher mind and your multidimensional self. These are always available to us through the consciousness of the heart but can be easily drowned out by the lower mind if we are not paying attention. Choose Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind Heart Connection Spray; living in love, Creativity; restoring individuality, or Soul Gifts for support here.

Aries energies can also tend to test our levels of patience and tolerance so if you should find yourself in need of support with either of these issues this month,  Restoring Patience; transforming impatience  or Inner Freedom; transforming judgement might be just what you need to help you restore balance. 

Finally, a reminder to check out our favourite ‘go to’ essence for situations where we need a boost to stay positively focussed; Positive Vibrations Spray; cleansing negativity

Essence Special Offers

Special Offers for April

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20%.

Individual & Combination Essences

Inner Wisdom Essence - 20% Discount

The Inner Wisdom Essence helps you connect more fully with your own inner wisdom. It helps to forge a link between your heart chakra, mind & soul, opening the doorways to the source of your innate inner wisdom and inner knowing.

Inner Wisdom Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.76

Sananda Essence - 20% Discount

The Sananda Essence is one of our lovely Archangel & Ascended Master Essences and helps to open your heart and to bring you a greater understanding of Divine Unconditional Love.

Sananda Essence | Archangel & Ascended Master Essences | from £4.32

Pearl Essence - 20% Discount

Pearl balances the emotions and is therefore a very powerful essence for working with a wide range of emotional issues. It helps to develop flexibility in emotional problems, especially those related to spiritual and religious issues. It helps to stimulate insight and greater understanding of our inner feminine aspect and is helpful where there are emotional issues relating to the mother or a mother figure in someone’s life.

Pearl Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.40

Just Joey Flower Essence - 20% Discount

The lovely Just Joey Rose Essence carries the vibrations of joy and playfulness. It works through the heart chakra to help those who need to expand the qualities of joy and creativity in their lives.

Just Joey Flower Essence | Rose Collection Essences | from £4.32

Feet Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

The Feet Chakras are all about communication and connection to the energy grids of mother earth. So this is a helpful Essence for developing a greater connection with Mother Earth and her energy grids. It's also helpful if you have difficulties with feeling grounded, feelings of being disconnected from the natural world or unfounded fears about your physical safety.

Feet Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.76

Motivation - 20% Discount

The Motivation combination is for those who feel they are lacking in positive motivation or inspiration in life; perhaps experiencing feelings of stagnation, lethargy or inertia. It helps to encourage individual creative inspiration, dissolves energetic blockages that underpin feelings of lethargy & stagnation and restores a sense of positivity & motivation.

Motivation Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.76

Sets of Essences

Angel Essence Set Two

Angel Essence Set Two - 20% Discount

The Angel Essences work with the energies and frequencies of the Angels to help you to create a bridge between your everyday world and that of the Angelic Realms. The ten Angel Essences in this set are: Beauty, Determination, Grace, Harmony, Hope, Mercy, Strength, Transmutation, Truth and Wisdom. They are lovely Essences to use, either in the moment when you're in need of help or inspiration, or longer term to work with more deep seated issues or patterns.

Angel Essence Set Two | Angel Essences | From £38.40

Bach Set Self Select Set

Bach Flower Remedy Self Select Sets - 20% Discount

Our self select Bach Flower Remedy sets are an ideal starter or gift set. You can choose any 10 different Bach Flower Remedies for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each remedy is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy.

10ml Bach Self Select Set | 25ml Bach Self Select Set | Bach Flower Remedies | From £28.80

All at 20% discount or more for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers



Restoring Intimacy & Trust – Healing Relationships Essence Review

Healing Relationships Essence

The Healing Relationships Essence is for difficulties with intimate relationships, a lack of closeness and intimacy or an inability to trust in the relationship. It helps to promote greater intimacy & trust in relationships, dissolves defence patterns and supports the ability to build loving open hearted relationships.

Read More: Restoring Intimacy & Trust – Healing Relationships Essence Review


From last month, you may have missed:

Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of inspiration & creativity, and to send you all much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.


With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop

You can also find us on:- Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram

Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.


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