Welcome to E-Light from Crystal Herbs - January 2025 |
Happy New Year and welcome to our E-light newsletter for January 2025! In this month’s E-Light we look briefly at the overall picture of large-scale change and transformation that the unusual energetic configurations of 2025 bring to the fore. We also review the energetic highlights for January and explore the importance of staying connected to ourselves, so that we can manage our frequency and vibration in such a way that we are ready to keep up with the speed of change as it unfolds this year. As always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com |
2025 seems set to be a year of change like no other that we have experienced. The cosmic alignments and configurations for 2025 are particularly unusual, creating an energetic setup that is clearly signalling change and the grand opportunity for large scale new beginnings. A significant part of these energetics come from the fact that all the outer planets will be moving signs this year as well as several other celestial bodies that have a very direct influence on us. Over the year this will bring us a refreshing flow of new energies which will change our perspective and open up new opportunities. 2025 will definitely be a year of going with the flow, allowing change and listening deep within to what is important for you. As we begin the year the theme of change and new beginnings is very much in the air. So much so that you might find that you have started the year feeling unusually unsettled or disorientated about your direction or with a sense of needing to make changes without knowing exactly what these are. The last few months in particular have taken us deep into the energies of transformation, loosening up old patterns and helping us to release what no longer serves us. Now we are poised on the edge of an encounter with the energies of awakening that will build on the changes that we have already made and take us forward into new unchartered territory. At a deep level we are all aware of this and excited about what we might be able to achieve, but at an everyday level we can’t see exactly where we are going in the way that might have done in the past. If this is the case, just recognise that all is well and that the universe has your back – all you need to do is stay in the flow. Remember also that the changes that we are making start at an inner level so if you are feeling uncertain about your direction look within rather than outside of yourself. It is very likely that something is needing to shift and release at an inner level so that you are fully aligned with your new direction. |
New Horizons Essence: An essence that I find particularly helpful in this situation is the New Horizons; supporting change combination from our Divine Harmony range. This is a wonderful essence to help you connect with the bigger picture of what is going on and to support you through the challenges of change. It will leave you feeling stronger and more focussed on what you want to achieve. |
January’s Energy Highlights… |
The Lunar Nodes change signs. |
The lunar nodes are not celestial bodies but the points where the moon’s path crosses the ecliptic - the orbital plane of the Earth around the Sun. This movement creates two points; the north node created as the moon moves northwards, and the south node created as the moon moves south. These points sit in opposite zodiac signs for around 18 months creating a very specific influence and focus. The north node represents our current area of exploration, or where we are going, while the south node represents the past or where we have been. From an individual perspective the lunar nodes current at the time we were born indicate the priorities of our soul for this lifetime. From a collective perspective the shift of the lunar nodes provides us with a new area of focus to guide our higher evolution. On January 11th the nodes shift onto the Pisces / Virgo axis so with the north node in Pisces we are being influenced to move into a more spiritual, creative space, and to focus on peace, greater compassion and the creation of a more balanced equitable society. One of the ways that this might impact us is as a strong need to follow our own moral and spiritual compass. This is very heart based, feminine, watery, intuitive, and creative energy so allow yourself to follow the flow and to explore what this means for you. One of the opportunities that this brings forward for us is to expand our connection with the Divine, especially the Divine Feminine which is an energy so needed on our planet right now. |
The Divine Mother Essence is such a beautiful essence to use to help you connect more deeply with the energies of the feminine deities and with the power of feminine energy in particular. The Unconditional Love Essence is one of my favourite essences to take when I need a little reminder to open my heart and allow the fullness of unconditional love to hold me in its reassuring warmth and beauty. |
The first full Moon of the year is on January 13th exact at 10.27pm UK time. The Moon here is in the watery, feminine sign of Cancer but it is also conjunct the fiery planet Mars, so there is definitely potential for some feelings to run high for a few days around this time. With the Moon in Cancer this intensity will be felt emotionally and may well focus on family issues, perhaps taking us deep into old unresolved wounds from the past or other family issues that need rebalancing, so that we can all move on in peace. The key here is to remember that this is an opportunity to heal old wounds, not inflame them further by projecting them out. If old issues of any sort get triggered off for you around this time remember to take a breath, detach and own what is yours in the situation. Let the energy dissipate before you respond or take any action. Then simply expressing yourself honestly from an open heart will prove very healing and transformative. |
The Healing Family Essence is powerful combination will help you re-balance and release old family patterning as well as dissolving the pain of past emotionally challenging family situations. Auric Protection Spray if you are someone who is easily and uncomfortably affected by the emotions and behaviour of others around you it can be tricky to find a point of balance within yourself that will allow you to deal with emotionally challenging situations in the best way. This spray is excellent to help you with this. Use it generously in your auric field and feel it create a bubble of protection around you that keeps you in your own space where you are empowered to be yourself. |
New Moon and Chinese New Year |
The New Moon on January 29th is the first new moon of 2025 and brings the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the year of the snake in Chinese astrology. This is a powerful New Moon in Aquarius where it connects with the Sun, Pluto and Mercury to offer us a focussed opportunity to set some clear intentions for ourselves as to what we wish to experience going forward. This is likely to be a mind opening time which will bring us opportunities for seeing things in very new ways. This will make it easier for us to let go of what we have finished with in our lives as well as opening up some new and exciting opportunities. The snake in Chinese astrology is a symbol of wisdom, resourcefulness, creativity and adaptability, all traits that seem very useful to guide us through the year ahead. |
Clarity & Perspective Spray; this is one of my favourite essence sprays to use when I need to clear my lower mind in order to receive inspiration and new ideas more clearly. It might be just what you need around this time to get the best from the energetic opportunities. |
Stay Connected to Yourself |
More than ever, this is a time to stay connected to yourself and to listen carefully to your heart as to where the flow is taking you next. This may well be a new direction in your outer world, but it could equally be a change of focus in your inner world. Simple practices like being very mindful of the quality of your thoughts and emotions or the stories that you tell yourself when you are having an off day, might be just what you are being urged to notice and make closure on this month, so that you can more easily follow the flow of energy up the evolutionary spiral. It is good to keep in mind that we create our experience of ‘reality’ in every moment and that the speed of our creations becoming real is getting quicker. The vibrational frequencies that we predominantly hold in our awareness will be those that underpin what we are able to create, so being mindful of what these are is particularly important now, and as we go through 2025. Remember that the universe constantly rearranges itself to accommodate your perception of reality! |
When you can clearly see that there is an old pattern going around in your reality and that it needs upgrading take a moment to breath and relax. Celebrate, you are on the brink of a breakthrough! The quickest way to move forward in this situation is to avoid judgement and simply find a neutral place of observation where you can become aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Move into your heart and be very compassionate with yourself. There has most likely been a time when you felt you needed this pattern to protect yourself or it is just something that you have inherited unconsciously, but now it is redundant and holding you back. From your neutral place observe the emotional glue that holds the pattern in place. For instance, fear, resentment, judgement, anger, self-value etc. What is the story that goes with that emotion? Perhaps you feel afraid to be yourself, not good enough in some way or struggle to make life work for you. Take it all into your heart and allow it space to reveal itself to you. Allow your heart to show you why you might have needed these experiences, and how you might have you gained from them. When you see them from outside of the polarity that they were created in, it will be so much easier to let them go. Vibrational essences are wonderful tools to help us with this process because their positive vibrational frequencies help dissolve stuck emotions and revolving low frequency stories. |
When you have identified the old emotional glue that holds your particular story together choose an essence to help you continue to release it. I find our Core Emotions set from the Divine Harmony Essences very helpful for this as it contains deep acting combinations of essences that work on all the main areas of ‘emotional glue’. For our purposes here I will just highlight two essences that might be generally helpful with what we have discussed. Inner Freedom Essence; judgement is a vibration that we can so easily fall into when we are working on patterns within ourselves. However, it holds us stuck and keeps us firmly in the polarity that we are trying to release. If you should find yourself having difficulty looking at things from a neutral perspective, consider this essence to help. It will quickly move you out of the energy of judgement and criticism and leave you in a more relaxed space where you can release and move on. Heart Connection Spray; this is the spray that I turn to when I need a quick burst of help to see something more easily from a heart perspective. I am sure that it will do the same for you too. |
Well, that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of change & new beginnings and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey. |
You can find our special offers and latest news below, we hope that you enjoy exploring these! |
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for yourself, family and friends… |
 | | Initiating & supporting change in life |
|  | | Grounding & earth alignment |
|  | | Unconditional love & the heart chakra |
 | | Grounding spiritual creativity |
|  | | Feeling fully grounded & present |
 | | Self expression & emotional connection |
|  | | Releasing inner doubt & uncertainty |
 | | 38 remedies to balance thoughts & emotions |
|  | | Releasing all that is not love in your heart |
 | The Inner Wisdom Essence: Connecting Heart & MindAt a soul level we carry all of the wisdom that we've accumulated over many lifetimes and the knowledge of why we are here at this particular time. That soul wisdom is something that we can draw upon to assist us with our process of transformation, if we remember to make ourselves available to hear, sense or intuit from our library of wisdom, so that we can live from our own truth. The Inner Wisdom Essence is all about helping you to connect your heart and mind and step more into your inner wisdom. You can find out more in our indepth look at the Inner Wisdom Essence here: |
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