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Welcome to E-Light

The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - January 2024

Dear Friends,

In E-Light this Month: Believe in Yourself, January’s Energetics, The Power of Believing in Yourself, Avoiding Distractions, New Moon, Pluto into Aquarius, Full Moon and our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at -

Gentle Hermione Rose

Believe in Yourself

Embrace the power of your true self

The energy flow for January holds some very positive, dynamic energy that is focussed on taking us forward at some considerable speed. There is much opportunity available to us within this fast-flowing stream of energy, but we will need to be mindful of how we choose to position ourselves within it to make the most of its possibilities.

Take care to consciously position yourself within the flow like a surfer lining up her board with a giant wave. Then you can masterfully ride the wave rather than finding yourself swamped or overwhelmed by it. The key to this is your belief in yourself and your choice to stand in the power, authority, and light of your true self.

January Energetics

Stimulating and fast-moving changes

The overall focus of the energies this month and on into 2024 is to stimulate change, remembering and awakening at an individual and collective consciousness level. It is designed to shift us onto a new path and assist us to create a new very different reality. Pluto moving into Aquarius in late January will also bring some new, fresh energy to the scene that will be the trigger for some stimulating and fast-moving changes in the world.

It will be important to be mindful of the choices that we are making as we negotiate the energy flow this month because as always, there will be several options available to us. Step into our mastery and go with the flow, sit on the fence – half in half out – or fall into a state of outright resistance.

We will likely see all of these possibilities play out around us over the coming weeks and months and may well find them playing out within ourselves also. Keep in mind that none of them are ’wrong’ and we can alter any choice that we might have made unconsciously by just being aware of where we have become temporarily stuck in an old pattern.

Believe in yourself

On January 20th the Sun joins Pluto in the very last degree of Capricorn before they both move into Aquarius. Pluto moving into Aquarius is a powerful seed change of energy and magnified by the Sun in this way it is all the more powerful and significant.

We had a taster of what this change was going to mean for us between March 23rd and June 11th last year when Pluto was first in Aquarius. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn once more on September 1st before moving fully into Aquarius on November 19th 2024, where it will stay until March 2043.

As well as magnifying the symbolism of any sign that it is travelling through, Pluto also highlights any corruption related to the focus of that sign. During its time in Capricorn since 2008, its influence has been helping us to see where there is corruption in corporate structures, governments, and big financial institutions.

It is interesting to witness just how much has been revealed over the last few years in particular. With Pluto right at the end of Capricorn we are now seeing the true degree of corruption and cover up that was part of the Post Office/Horizon scandal of twenty years ago.

As Pluto moves on into Aquarius, we can expect to see any corruption in science and technology being brought into the spotlight, including healthcare. We can also expect to see the focus of attention change to greater innovation and expansion in the world of technology, as well as a gradual change to a society in which there is greater freedom, autonomy and community-based collaboration.

We are likely to feel this shift within us as a lighter more expansive energy, although it will create another clear choice point too because we will also see anything old that we need to let go of. This shifting of energies is likely to create more noise and confusion in the world as the old order struggles against the inflow of the new energies.

Choose your thread of energy to amplify with care and keep in mind that the old energies of power, control and disempowerment have no roots left to sustain them and are in the process of being dismantled.

Divine Harmony Essences

January Special Offers

The new year is often a time of new beginnings, where we set our intentions, alignments and resolutions for how we want to move forward. It’s a moment to reflect on what it is that we want to create in our lives and what changes we want to make.  Change happens when we align ourselves with what we want to create at all levels of our being. Where we heal and release the old emotions, beliefs or thought patterns that have in some way held us back from making the changes that we want to see in our lives.

So the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences on special offer this month each have a slightly different way of supporting positive change and transformation.

All at 20% discount for the month

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