Flower Essence Essentials - Our Online Essence Journal
Essence Essentials: Our Online Journal for all things related to Flower Essences & Vibrational Essences
Astrological Essence for the Month
Towards the end of his life, Dr Bach was exploring the link between the first 12 Bach Flower Remedies he discovered (The Twelve Healers) and the 12 astrological signs.
Centaury Flower Remedy for Virgos
We are in Virgo season, the astrological sign that Dr Bach felt would most benefit from Centaury essence. Practical, efficient and organised, Virgo energy naturally creates order and streamlines systems so that energy flows well. Unbalanced Virgo energy manifests as a distorted idea of service which leads to over-giving and putting other people’s needs before your own. If your astrological sun or moon sign are in Virgo, Centaury will be a great choice to balance your energy.
Do you over-give and find it difficult to say no to others? Do you secretly want to be needed? Do you lack the will power to follow your dreams because you’re focused on being of service to the greater good?
The soul journey for Virgo is to recognise that being of service does not mean you have to sacrifice your own needs, dreams and impulses. As centaury is taken, you'll find it easier to say no to what doesn’t serve your highest good so you can say yes to what does.
Your Feelings are Important
You have feelings because you’re meant to feel them. Feelings are part of the unique expression of who we are, they have a purpose and give us important information about how we engage with the world and navigate our unique path in life. When we’re in touch with our feelings, we connect fully with ourselves and other people, and our feelings keep us tuned into our intuition and in the flow of life itself.
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences…
4 Tips for Connecting more to the Universal Flow
Many of us have old and often very unhelpful beliefs that we hold about our ability to connect into the universal flow of love and abundance. This flow is freely available to us and is inexhaustible in supply, yet so many of us hold patterns that prevent us from seeing this. However if we want to move fully into unity consciousness we must open ourselves to receive and then live within this divine flow of light and love.
Working consciously and purposefully with the Open to Receive Essence:
- As you take the essence pay attention to anything that comes into your awareness as it begins to unlock the old energies that have become stuck. Be willing to explore any old ‘stories’ that might present themselves. For instance, a belief that we live in an unequal world where there is not enough for all, or emotional pain in the heart relating to feeling excluded or restricted in some way.
- Take time out to connect with yourself and to delve into what you feel about your current ability to give and receive. Look at the patterns that you inherited from your family as you were growing up. What was the belief about the availability or not of abundance, resources, money, love or opportunity in life. Explore anything you find without judgement and then allow yourself to make new choices if necessary.
- Be willing to open your heart and allow any restrictions or emotional pain to release and transform. Allow yourself to explore your connection with your soul and the Source of all things from the perspective of the heart.
- Be willing to see yourself as a valuable, much loved being who is always connected to the universal flow and the source of all things.
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Embracing Gratitude & Thankfulness
The Thankfulness Essence
The Thankfulness Essence is all about gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation. It is a powerful combination that helps you to develop these beautiful, life enhancing virtues, and to encourage a positive sense of self-responsibility and self-empowerment. Thankfulness and gratitude are amongst the most life enhancing and positive attitudes available to us. When we are truly thankful for absolutely everything in our lives, no matter what it is, then we are at the doorway to freedom and mastery because we have understood that we are responsible for the events and situations that we draw into our lives as well as our choice of how to respond to them.
Thankfulness Essence"Thankfulness and gratitude are amongst the most life enhancing & positive attitudes available to us. When we are truly thankful for absolutely everything in our lives, no matter what it is, then we are at the doorway to freedom and mastery."
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Feel Good Norfolk Podcast
Sam was recently on the Feel Good Norfolk Podcast – “The Power of Nature: Nature in a Bottle” – to talk about all things Bach Flower Remedies & Flower Essences. And it’s just been released, which is really exciting!
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz
Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy
Agrimony is all about your relationship with yourself. If you need Agrimony, you might find it challenging to express, or even feel, your own difficult emotions. Instead, it feels easier and more pleasant to simply ignore these complex inner difficulties and so they get bottled up and go unexpressed. If you’re in need of Agrimony you’re probably a natural peacekeeper and lover of harmony, but if you ignore or suppress your emotional self too much it can create a lot of inner tension. Agrimony helps you to feel and express your true feelings and emotions and build an authentic relationship with yourself and with others.
Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World: E-Light July 2024
In this month’s E-Light we are exploring the opportunities for deep transformation that are being offered to us and how we can best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. We look at the art of managing energetic intensity and how we can stay firmly on our own surfboard as we ride the waves of transformation this month. Picture of Catherine Keattch We also look at the cosmic energy flow for July, the need to manage our own vibrational frequency and the importance of avoiding distraction so that we can stay in balance, harmony and neutrality to help facilitate positive change. As always, we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace.
Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World
As we enter into July, the energies of change and transformation are beginning to increase in both speed and intensity and will continue to do so over the coming weeks and months. You, like us, are probably feeling that the speed of change has been intense enough as it is, but there is more still to come so it will be important to maintain an inner point of balance and focus that will allow us to successfully ride these waves of change. Currently the cosmic energy flow is clearly set out to guide and support us through the transformational process of expanding our consciousness, shedding density and opening the doorway into a new reality. This is why we can see more and more old things beginning to break down and start to unravel in the world in a much larger way...... [...]
You can find out more in July's E-Light Newsletter here.
Our E-Light Newsletter: each month we explore the month's energetic themes from a spiritual and astrological perspective and recommend some Essences to help you surf the cosmic waves! Receive spiritual guidance, wisdom and clarity, learn more about our collective expansion of consciousness, and make the most of opportunities for personal inspiration, healing and transformation.
What Flower Essences Are We Taking?
We love using our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences! Here we share some of our personal experiences of using a particular Essence or Combination and how it has helped us.
This month Sam shares his experiences of taking the Emotional Body Essence....
Emotional Body Essence
Is anyone else feeling the emotional ebbs and flows at the moment? I’ve been feeling a strong inner push to work on what feels like a rich seam of old buried emotions and it’s bringing with it a new and deeper understanding of myself.
It feels really liberating, it’s fun ( sort of ), rewarding and interesting, but equally quite intense and hard work. Well I suppose that seems to be the way things are at the moment energetically!
To support this inner journey, I’ve been taking the Emotional Body Essence. It’s a Flower, Gem & Crystal essence combination from the Rainbow Light Body Essence range, and as the name suggests it’s all about working with your emotions.
I always find this a really potent combination for doing deep emotional work and releasing old deeply held feelings. Often when I’m taking it I find I’m able to connect more deeply with issues that I’m consciously working with, and at other times there can be some quite unexpected things that come up to be released.
It’s a really, really interesting essence to use and if there is deep emotional work to be done, this is a very good Essence to support you through it. It’s one that I find I need to take from time to time and one that I will often recommend when working with people needing to clear and release old emotional patterns.
Sam Cremnitz
You can see all Team Picks here.
Creating Inner Harmony & Balance With a Bach Flower Remedy Set
We love the Bach Flower Remedies! A set Bach Flower Remedies makes a wonderful resource for yourself, family & friends or as part of a professional practice. Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. The set comes in a beautiful natural Linden wood box with a hinged lid. The Bach Flower Remedies are a set of flower essences that were created by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's. They are very simple, natural, and effective remedies for working with the everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions that we all experience in our daily lives. The gentle, subtle energies of nature in the 38 remedies help you to develop a deeper inner peace, well-being and equilibrium in your mind, body & spirit.
Bach Flower Remedy Sets- Learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies here
We’ve been busy making some new mother tinctures in the beautiful sunny weather that we’ve been having recently. Making mother tinctures for our flower essences is a beautiful and heartfelt process and a co-creation with the Devas, Nature Spirits and the Ascended Realms. This is a lovely Queen Anne's Lace flower potentising in the sun. As a flower essence, it’s really useful for the development of clairvoyance ( inner vision ) and telepathy. It opens the crown chakra and calms the mind so it will enhance your ability to see the bigger picture of a situation. Queen Anne’s Lace flower essence is also helpful if you tend to be overly intellectual in your approach to life as it calms the mental body and enables you to make choices from the perspective of your higher wisdom.
Keywords: Clairvoyance | Spirituality | Inner guidance | Higher wisdom
Queen Anne's Lace Flower EssenceSee Also:
Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it. And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul.
Bach Flower Remedies and the Work Of Edward Bach
We're excited to share more with you about the 38 Bach Flower Remedies and the work and understandings of Dr Edward Bach through our website: www.bach-flowers.co.uk.
A Journey with Impatiens – It’s NOT just about Impatience!
We're really pleased to share a lovely post by Jo Dyer about her experiences using Dr. Bach's Impatiens remedy. We found this a very moving and insightful article and it's well worth a read.
Jo Dyer: I took my first flower essences over 30 years ago. They changed my life forever – but that’s not the story I want to tell you here. This story is about one of the essences contained in the world-famous Rescue Remedy. My box says that this essence is for being impatient, irritable and quick-tempered. Yes, this is a story about Impatiens. You can read this lovely story on our Bach Flower Remedy site here:
Always Useful Essences
These are the essences that people most often tell us they wouldn’t want to be without because they are so useful for balancing emotions, soothing the mind and uplifting the spirits.
Base Chakra Essence
The Base Chakra is an excellent essence for helping to release any issues that prevent you from feeling grounded, focused, organised, safe and secure. The Base Chakra Essence is a stabilising combination of 8 powerful flower, gem and crystal essences chosen to balance the base chakra by releasing any emotional, mental and subtle energy issues that affect your ability to function in the everyday world. Use it if you have fears and insecurities about your physical safety and survival, have difficulties with grounding or staying present, or lack vitality. Other signs that it is a good choice include being unfocused, disorganised, indecisive or having difficulty dealing with the pressures of life and bringing ideas into manifestation. The Base Chakra Essence can help you to transform blockages or issues in the base chakra so that you can feel grounded, safe, secure, and abundant.
Base Chakra Essence - for grounding
Elm Bach Flower Remedy
Elm restores strength of mind and the ability to cope when you are feeling overwhelmed, and over-burdened by responsibilities.‘The last straw that broke the camel’s back’ sums up the negative state that Elm brings into balance very well. Taken short term Elm will very quickly brings relief, and more long term it helps you to balance your responsibilities with your need for personal nurturing.
Elm Bach Essence - for releasing overwhelm
Revival Remedy
Revival Remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem and was originally formulated by Dr Bach for use in situations requiring ‘emergency rescue’. It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in circumstances where there is much fear, panic, trauma, or other severe upset such as a serious accident or unexpected bereavement. It is also a very effective support for those less traumatic but still challenging events in life like exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, presentations etc.
Revival Remedy | Bach Flower Remedies
Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated Fears
Fear is very common but it can be a tricky vibration to work with because it feels so real if you get stuck in it. It creates a very effective smokescreen that prevents you from seeing beyond it if you are not very mindful. We can all be affected by fear because it is a vibrational frequency that sits at the bottom of many of the old emotional patterns and stories that we have. Today we’re exploring the Pink Rose Flower Essence which is an excellent essence for when you feel like you cannot get to the root of a deeply held karmic fear or for if you experience general phobias or fears with no apparent cause in this lifetime.
Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence
Empowering Your Inner Journey: there are times in life when we will all need the important qualities of inner strength, resolve and determination to assist us with our inner journey of transformation. The Inner Strength Essence from the Divine Harmony Essences range is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to give you a stronger sense of your own inner power and authority so that you can follow your own path without hesitation.
Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence
Latest Special Offers
Each month we offer special offer discounts on a selection of our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences - from individual Essences to Essence Sets. Discounts are usually 20% or more and you can find our current special offers for the month here:
Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs