Montage: bottles of Bach Flower Remedies around a leaflet, a bottle of Forgiveness Essence, single Flower Essence bottles, Chakra Essence bottles and Essences held in a hand.

Our Range of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences

Essences to help you in all aspects of life... from the gentle acting 38 Bach Flower Remedies through to powerful, deep-acting Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and combinations, we have a wonderful range of Essences to help you to grow and evolve.

Each range has its own particular focus and purpose, so see which ones you feel most drawn to. If you need any help or advice you can check out our Choosing an Essence page or contact us here for help and advice.

Each of our Essences are handmade with love and care and bring together over 30 years of experience & research into vibrational essences. Our range of different essences form a wonderful resource for anyone working with change, transformation and personal and spiritual growth.

Explore Our Essences

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

38 Bach Remedies handmade to Dr Bach's original instructions

Bach Flower Remedies are a wonderful resource that can help everyone to achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives in a simple, natural & effective way.

Our Bach Flower Remedies are made by hand with love & care according to the original instructions of Dr Bach. Preserved in organic brandy.

Key Points - Simple and effective remedies that can quickly help to bring greater balance to the way you respond to everyday life.

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Our Deeper Acting Essences

Karmic Flower Essences

Karmic Essences

Ten Powerful & Deep Acting Flower Essences

The Karmic Essences are a powerful set of essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back. Simple and easy to use they link directly into the seven personality groups identified by Dr. Edward Bach.

Key Points - A powerful set of ten essences promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back.

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Divine Harmony Essences

Divine Harmony Essences

40 Essence Combinations for personal & spiritual growth

This powerful set of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences provides the tools that can help us restore the balance between mind, emotions & spirit that will allow us to manifest our own highest potential.

Each combination contains a carefully selected blend of essences and facilitates inner change & transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing.

Key Points - Forty powerful Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence combinations designed to support your inner journey towards greater wholeness and self-awareness, activating and aligning you with your own highest potential.

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Chakra Essences

Chakra Essences

10 Essences to clear and re-balance the chakras

This powerful set of combinations offers you the opportunity to work at a deep level with the issues and patterns of each of the chakras that most affect our mental and emotional wellbeing. There are ten combinations in the set; one for each of the seven main chakras as well as one for the feet chakras, higher heart chakra and the higher chakras above the head.

Key Points - A powerful set of ten essences to clear and re-balance the chakras and related mental & emotional patterns.

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Single Flower Essences

Flower Essences

Single Flower Essences from Agapanthus to Zinnia

Flower Essences are a great tool to help you with your personal & spiritual growth. Each Flower holds a certain vibrational frequency or energy, which when taken, begins a process of helping to restore balance and harmony to mind and emotions.

Key Points - A wonderful range of single Flower Essences,
handmade with love and care.

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Single Gem & Crystal Essences

Flower Essences

Single Crystal Essences from Abalone to Zoisite

Gem and Crystal Essences are a great tool to help you with your personal & spiritual growth. Each Gem or Crystal holds a certain vibrational frequency or energy, which when taken, begins a process of helping to restore balance and harmony to mind and emotions.

Key Points - A wonderful range of single Gem & Crystal Essences, handmade with love and care.

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Angel Essences

Angel Essences

Essences to bridge your everyday world and that of the Angelic Realms

Each of the essences in this set of twenty Angel Essences creates a bridge between your everyday world and that of the Angelic Realms, linking you into their web of light and higher consciousness. The Angels will work with you through their essence to help you bring the positive qualities that they embody deeper into your awareness, bringing transformation and higher awareness.

Key Points - Twenty beautiful Angel Essences creating a bridge between your everyday world and that of the Angelic Realms

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Archangel & Ascended Master Essences

Archangel & Ascended Master Essences

Essences to connect you to the energies of the Archangels & Ascended Masters

Each of the essences in this set of ten is vibrationally attuned to the consciousness of a particular Archangel or Ascended Master. Like doorways into a higher dimension these essences will help you to link more easily with the web of light and higher consciousness of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Key Points - A powerful set of ten essences helping you to connect to the energies of the Archangels & Ascended Masters

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Rose Collection Essences

Rose Collection Essences

Flower Essences to awaken the Heart to Unconditional Love

The Rose Essences and Rose Combinations in this set have each been chosen for their ability to help you to release all that is not love within your heart chakra and to inspire you to live your life from the perspective of the heart chakra. The consciousness of the heart is one of balance and unity and brings the gifts of inner peace, serenity, connection and unconditional love.

Key Points - Rose Collection Essences to awaken the Heart Chakra

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Pure Vibrations Spray Collection

Rose Collection Essences

Essence Aura Sprays for positive vibrational alignment & space clearing

Our new Pure Vibrations Essence Sprays are designed specifically to provide the instant energetic support that can help you maintain positive vibrational alignment no matter what challenges you face in life. Essences sprayed into the auric field act very quickly and are especially helpful at those times when you feel temporarily out of balance or off centre. Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. You can also take these essence sprays internally in the same way as our other essence combinations if you wish.

Key Points - Essence Sprays for positive vibrational alignment.

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Platonic Solid Essences

Platonic Solid Essences

10 powerful reminders to our energetic system of their original matrix or blueprint

The unique Platonic Solid & Sacred Geometry Essences are powerful reminders to our energetic system of their original matrix or blueprint. Working at a subtle level these Essences help to encourage restoration of order and balance within our energetic blueprint.

Key Points - There are five Platonic Solid Essences, three Sacred Geometry Essences and two combination Essences.

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Wellbeing Combinations

Wellbeing Combinations

5 Essences for Energetic Wellbeing

The five deep acting essence combinations in this group each offer support with issues that are important for our overall energetic wellbeing and which can affect the quality of life we experience.

Key Points - Five powerful and useful Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence combinations.

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Inner Child Essences

Inner Child Essences

36 Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combinations

Working with the inner child helps us develop a more positive personality, balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerful soul growth. These 36 beautiful flower & gem essence combinations facilitate the healing of your Inner Child and help you return to the radiance of your pure, true self.

Key Points - 36 essence combinations designed to help you connect with and heal your Inner Child, releasing the past to create a new future.

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Rainbow Light Body Essences

Chakra Essences

Very high frequency, finely tuned clearing & activation tools

The Rainbow Light Body Essences are very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools, designed to assist in the development of our Light Body or Mer Ka Ba. This set of twelve very powerful essences provide exactly the support we need now, as we seek to assimilate higher & higher frequencies of Light into our energetic systems.

Key Points - Very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools.

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Why Choose Crystal Herbs

Here at Crystal Herbs we are passionate about Flower & Vibrational Essences! We've been creating and developing Essences for over 30 years and all of our essences are handmade with love & care. As a specialist Flower Essence company our main focus is on producing the best quality Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we can so that you have the tools that you need to empower and help yourself.

Handmade Bach Flower Remedies

Help With Choosing & Using Essences

Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is an easy and simple process. Here you can find our Essence Selector and tips & advice for choosing an essence.

Choosing An Essence
Making a Mother Tincture

Handmade with Love & Care

From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each essence is handmade with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence.